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Become a Sponsor

Support The Greatest Teacher of All Time 

Support a Teacher

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Support A Teacher

Teachers have a thankless job. In order to help teachers feel appreciated for their hard work, please consider donating a small token of gratitude to 1 of the 10 teachers highlighted each school semester. 

Select an item ($)

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Set your own custom donation!

Your donation will go towards sponsoring multiple classes and teachers

In order to be thanked properly, Quincy will mention you by name when presenting your donation to a teacher. What name would you like to be thanked under? (business name, Instagram name, anonymous, etc.)

How much would you like to donate to teachers?
For reference, 1 class pizza party is $130. If you would like to sponsor 3 teacher's pizza parties, then donate $390.
Remember, Quincy interviews 10 teachers each semester!


Thank you for your donation!

Support the Mission 

Support Quincy Dawson

There is a lot of work that goes into The Greatest Teacher of All Time - editing videos, scheduling and searching for phenomenal teachers, outlining interview topics, reaching out to sponsors, keeping the website running, premium Zoom account, etc. Show your appreciation to Quincy by supporting him with a donation of your choice.

Thank you for your donation!

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